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Jupiter is transiting to Sagittarius today and what changes can you expect in your life in the comin

Muthu Vijayan Elango

Updated: Aug 17, 2021

The Jupiter is the divine planet. It is the planet of wisdom, Guru, teacher. Jupiter aspection is capable of giving auspicious results. The Jupiter is transiting to Sagittarius from Nov 2019, this transit is going to give a big relief as already Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius are creating a hell lot of issues all over the world.

What is Jupiter transit? Why it retrograde for few months?

The Jupiter approximately takes 12 years to complete one revolution around the Sun. Since there are 12 zodiacal signs, Jupiter will approximately transit to each zodiac every year. During this process, when Jupiter is exactly opposite to Sun the retrogression will begin and hence the Jupiter will transit to previous sign for fewer months before going back to the original sign. It should be noted that Jupiter will not travel in opposite direction, but when viewed Earth it will look like moving back to previous sign. The concept of Retrogression is explained in this article, please refer for further details.The actual retrogression last for ~120 days. In 2020, for approximately 120 days the Jupiter will be in Scorpio and it will again be visible in Sagittarius for the remaining days.

Ideally, the retrogression would start when Jupiter come midpoint of the 5th house from Sun and retrogression end when Jupiter crosses the midpoint of the 9th house. The earth takes 365 days to complete one revolution around the Sun, so the Sun will appear in one Zodiac for roughly ~30 days. Since the retrogression of Jupiter lasts for ~120 days, two sign back from the 7th house and 2 signs forward from 7th house of Sun will indicate that Jupiter is in retrogression.

Why it is important to read transit of Jupiter?

The horoscope is map of planetary position during time of birth. But every planet in the solar system are constantly in motion. Gochara or transit is the study of planetary motion to individual horoscope. Since Saturn and Jupiter are outer planets and it stays for a relatively longer period of time in the same zodiac signs. Their transit will give predominant effect to our life and hence both Jupiter and transit results are given importance.

Jupiter transit from Moon sign or Ascendant?

As per the all classical text of vedic astrology the transit results are always read according to the Moon sign. There are modern school of thought to read the transit results based on the ascendant sign, but in my opinion it is not a good practice.

Each planet will get obstruction during transits when other planets occupy certain houses. For example, I have mentioned that when Jupiter occupies 2nd house or 5th house or 7th house or 9th house or 11th house from natal moon it will give an auspicious result. But the good results of Jupiter transit gets nullified when another planet occupies 12th house, 4th house, 3rd house, 10th house, 8th house respectively. This concept is Vedai and it is applicable for all planet. In fact, some of the bad transit results gets nullified during this obstruction. For example for Virgo Moon sign when Saturn occupies 8th house Aries, generally ashtama Shani will be bad but during obstruction period it won’t give bad results.​

General rule of thumb

Generally, when Jupiter occupies 2nd house or 5th house or 7th house or 9th house or 11th house from natal moon it will give an auspicious result. With this rule in mind, we can say that people with Moon sign Scorpio, Leo, Gemini, Aries, and Aquarius would see more positive results of the upcoming Jupiter transit in 2019. Having said that, it doesn’t mean that Jupiter transit to other houses will give a bad result. According to the Jupiter aspection on a particular house, the results pertaining to that bhava will be fortified.

Special rule of obstruction

Each planet will get obstruction during transits when other planets occupy certain houses. For example, I have mentioned that when Jupiter occupies 2nd house or 5th house or 7th house or 9th house or 11th house from natal moon it will give an auspicious result. But the good results of Jupiter transit gets nullified when another planet occupies 12th house, 4th house, 3rd house, 10th house, 8th house respectively. This concept is Vedai(obstruction) and it is applicable for all planet. In fact, some of the bad transit results gets nullified during this obstruction.

Transit results for each Moon sign

Please note that the below predictions are purely based on the position of Jupiter according to your moon sign. The horoscope dasha bukti and the Saturn transit will modify the actual results to some extend. Please visit your astrologer and get advice if you are taking any major decisions in your life.

Aries: This is the first sign of the zodiac. The Jupiter is transiting to the 9th house from your Moon sign. The 9th house is the house of fortune and Jupiter is considered as the best benefic. Hence this transit is going to bring you auspicious events in your life. If you have a dream of buying a property, purchasing a home then this year it will materialize. Jupiter being the natural lord of 9th house and 12th house will give foreign travels in 2020. Since Jupiter will aspect 5th house from the 9th house, newly married can expect an additional member to your family and older parents you will get recognition from your children.

Taurus: The Jupiter is transiting to the 8th house from your Moon sign. Generally this is not considered to be auspicious. However, since the Jupiter being Dhana karaka aspects the 2nd house you will get monetary benefits from your career. Any change of job would bring in lot of obstacles, so better to stick to what you are currently doing. Jupiter being a benefic planet aspecting both 12th house(conjugal life) and 2nd house(family life), those who are seriously looking to get married will get positive results.

Gemini: The Jupiter is transiting to the 7th house from your Moon sign. This transit will give auspicious events in your life. The 7th house is the house of business travel, so this transit will benefic entrepreneurs and business people to close the deals. Jupiter aspecting the 3rd house will give short foreign trips. Singles may get engaged in a rewarding love relationships and married people will have smooth relationships with your partners.

Cancer: The Jupiter is transiting to the 6th house from your Moon sign. Generally this is not considered to be auspicious. However, since the Jupiter being Dhana karaka aspects the 2nd house you will get monetary benefits from your career or business. The Jupiter aspecting 10th house may fortify long waiting promotions. You may incur hospital expenses during 2020, so please get your health insurance renewed.

Leo: The Jupiter is transiting to the 5th house from your Moon sign. This transit will give auspicious events in your life. If you are looking for career change, then this is right time for a move. The 5th house is the house of children, newly married can expect a baby. If you are parent, your children will do well in the assignments they take. The 5th house is also the house of speculation, and hence you will get gains from speculation. The Jupiter will aspect the 9th house, the house of fortune. So buying a property, starting new ventures are recommended during this transit period.

Virgo: The Jupiter is transiting to the 4th house from your Moon sign. This transit will give mixed results to you. Career changes will be challenging, better stick to the current role. Students will do well in the education, working class people will get recognition from the superiors. It is good time to invest in properties and to buy a new conveyance.

Libra: The Jupiter is transiting to the 3rd house from your Moon sign. Generally this is not considered to be auspicious. Working people please stick to job, business people not recommended to do any expansion now. Better to focus on improving skills during this down time. There are possibilities for conflicts with siblings. Don't take any major decisions in your life and do best in your daily work.

Scorpio: The Jupiter is transiting to the 2nd house from your Moon sign. Jupiter being the lord of 2nd house and Dhana karaka this transit is going to bring you financial prosperity. The business deals will get close soon and the cash flow will steadily improve. Auspicious events in the family will take place and overall happiness in your life will increase. You will recognition from your superiors and long waiting promotions will fructify. New investments and business expansions are recommended in 2020.

Sagittarius: The Jupiter is transiting to your own Moon sign. This transit will give mixed results to you. This transit may slowdown your business, better to play safe in 2020 and don't go for any expansion. Career or role change will be challenging. Be supportive to your partners, and don't take any major decisions during this period.

Capricorn: The Jupiter is transiting to the 12th house from your Moon sign. Generally this is not considered to be auspicious. There will be unnecessary expenses coming your way. Spend the money only for the wise reasons, and don't buy the things that you are not using immediately. Postpone the decision of big investments and business expansion. There are chances for medical expenses, so please get your health insurance renewed.

Aquarius: The Jupiter is transiting to the 11th house from your Moon sign. This transit will give auspicious events in your life. If you are looking for career change, then this is right time for a move. Business expansion and new investments will prosper. You will get support and co-operation from siblings. Your children will do well in the assignments they take. Your relationship with partners will flourish. Overall 2020 is the best year to accelerate.

Pisces: The Jupiter is transiting to the 11th house from your Moon sign. This transit will give mixed results to you. This transit will give average business profits, the cash flow will be normal but don't go for any expansion. Investments on properties will be good during this time.


Since Jupiter is transiting to its own house, this Jupiter transit will be a great relief for everyone. The people born with Moon sign Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will do very well in 2020. Feel free to post your doubts

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