This December 14th 2020, we are going to witness the Total Solar Eclipse. Unfortunately, this eclipse is not visible in India. This total solar eclipse, ultimately the last solar eclipse of 2020 is visible from Chile and some parts of Argentina. Some regions in southern south America, southwest Africa and Antarctica will see a partial solar eclipse.
In this article, I am going to discuss the astrological predictions of global events and happening due to solar eclipse

Ancient Indian seers had a profound knowledge about eclipse. They not only know the cause and timing of the eclipse. They were able to predict the global events and happening due to eclipse. Eclipse in general, willl produce triggering effects for an important event in the life of a nation. Last year, during December 26th 2019 we witnessed a Total solar eclipse with multiple planetary conjunction. This eclipse is the primary reason for breakdown of Covid-19 virus. I have explained about this in the video.
What Varahamihra Say about upcoming Solar eclipse?
First, let us see the planetary position in the heaven during this solar eclipse. Below is the map of planetary position during Total Solar Eclipse, since this eclipse is fully visible in Chile I have taken the location of this chart as Chile, South America

This solar Eclipse is happening in the sign Scorpio, the 8th sign of Zodiac and in the Lunar month of Kritika. Here the text from Varahamihra’s Brihat Samhita

The above text was written several thousand years ago. Decoding the locations mentioned in the text, following is short summary.
“There will be suffering of people in Punjab, southern Bihar, large part of odisha, norther part of Andra Pradesh, and some portion of Chhattisgarh. People with weapons(police and miltary) would also suffer”
General predictions due to this eclipse
- Possibility of deaths due to natural calamities, flood and poisonous gases. More specifically during Feb-March 2021
- Tropical storms, flood and hurricane in South and North America
- Police forces, military and mining workers would suffer
- Destruction of trees specifically Amazon forest fire
- General downtrend in global economy, finance and taxation
- Tensions and natural calamities in Germany, Spain, Norway, North Africa, Washington, Baltimore, Poland, Persia, Ireland, Georgia, Holland, Dublin
Predictions for India
For the predictions of India, here is the India’s independence chart.

According to India’s Independent Chart, the solar Eclipse is happening in the 7th house. The 7th house rules Health of women, rate of infant mortality, war and foreign relationship. Moreover, here is the lunation chart for Feb 2021

Here is the yearly chart of 2020, which is applicable till March 2021.

From the 2020 yearly chart, the greater planetary conjunction in Feb 2021 is happening again in the 7th house. So, the predictions for India will be more aligned according to the 7th house in Mundane Astrology.
Predictions for India due to solar Eclipse 2020
- Possibility of deaths due to natural calamities, flood and poisonous gases
- Health of women and child in the country should be monitored closely
- Odisha, Andra Pradesh would possibly see heavy rainfall and flood
- There will be tensions in the India-Pakistan border. Foreign relations would see adverse results in first quarter of 2021. Ministry of external affairs and foreign ambassadors would face challenges
- Indian Railways would continue to see problems in operation and profit
- Tensions may prevail in religious institutions, and Judicial departments
- Political tensions in Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Chhattisgarh
Predictions for USA
For the predictions of India, here is the USA independence chart.

According to USA’s Independent Chart, the solar Eclipse is happening in the 12th house. The 12th house refers secret enemies, plots, hospitals, war, and losses.
Moreover, here is the lunation chart for Feb 2021 for USA,

Here is the yearly chart of 2020 for USA, which is applicable till March 2021.

From the 2020 yearly chart of USA, the greater planetary conjunction in Feb 2021 is happening again in the 12th house. So, the predictions for USA will be more aligned according to the 12th house in Mundane Astrology.
Predictions for USA due to solar eclipse 2020
- There are chances of deaths due to natural calamities, specially due to flood, tropical storms and hurricanes
- Increase of Secret crimes, tensions in foreign relationships
- Import/export, commercial transactions, and state revenue would see downfall
- Downtrend in economy, finance and taxation in 2021
The solar eclipse in Dec 2020 is happening in the watery sign Scorpio. So, there will be damage and deaths due to water(floods, tropical storm, cyclone). Moreover, the greater planetary conjunction(conjunction of 6 planets in the sign Capricorn) during Feb 2021 is not favorable many nations. Here is the overall summary due to solar eclipse in Dec 2020,
- Dec 2020 Solar eclipse with planetary conjunction and greater planetary conjunction during Feb 2021 would give adverse results
- There are chances of deaths and destruction due to water(Heavy rainfall, floods and cyclone) and forest fires
- Tensions and natural calamities in South & North America, Germany, Spain, Norway, North Africa, Washington, Baltimore, Poland, Persia, Ireland, Georgia, Holland, Dublin
- Police forces, military and mining workers would suffer
- Import/export, commercial transactions, and state revenue would see downfall
- Downtrend in economy, finance and taxation in 2021
I hope you find this article interesting. This article is also available in the video format.
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