The Saturn is transiting to Capricorn from Jan 2020(there will minor variation in timings with different panchang) to May 2022, this transit is going to be positive for many as already Saturn and Ketu in Sagittarius are creating a lot of issues all over the world.

Background on Saturn transit and retrogression
Of all planets considered in the Vedic astrology, the Saturn is the farthest planet from the Sun. The Saturn approximately takes 30 years to complete one revolution around the Sun. Since there are 12 zodiacal signs, Saturn will approximately transit to each zodiac for 2.5 years. During this process, when Saturn is in 5th house from the Sun the retrogression will begin. The actual retrogression last for ~140 days. In 2020, for approximately 140 days the Saturn will be in retrogression(ie between May 2020 to Sept 2020). The same retrogression will occur again in 2021 when Sun is in ~110 degrees from the Saturn. But since Saturn transit is very slowly, Saturn rarely transits to previous sign during the retrogression, unlike Jupiter which transit to previous sign for fewer months.
Ideally, the retrogression would start when Saturn crosses the midpoint of the 5th house from Sun and retrogression end when Saturn crosses the midpoint of the 9th house. The earth takes 365 days to complete one revolution around the Sun, so the Sun will appear in one Zodiac for roughly ~30 days. Since the retrogression of Saturn lasts for ~120 to 140 days, two sign back from the 7th house and 2 signs forward from 7th house of Sun will indicate that Saturn is in retrogression.
Effect of Saturn transit to each Moon signs
Please note that the below predictions are purely based on the position of Saturn(and Jupiter) according to your moon sign. The horoscope dasha bukti will modify the actual results to some extend. Please visit your astrologer and get advice if you are taking any major decisions in your life.
Generally, when Saturn occupies 3rd house or 6th house or 11th house from natal moon it will give an auspicious result. With this rule in mind, let us see how this transit would work for each moon sign.
Aries: This is the first sign of the zodiac. The Saturn is transiting to the 10th house from your Moon sign. The 10th house rules professional life. Hence this transit is going to bring you changes in the professional life. The problems in your work will increase. If you are looking for a job change or place change, then this is the right time to switch but please note that the new place will also be uncomfortable during initial period. Jupiter being the natural lord of 9th house and 12th house is already in 9th house from your moon sign. So it will give foreign travels in 2020. Saturn aspecting 4th house may give troubles in buying or selling properties. So better to push any buying or selling decision until 2022.
Taurus: The Saturn is transiting to the 9th house from your Moon sign. Generally this is not considered to be auspicious. But the fact is that you are just relieving from 8th house transit of Saturn, so you are moving from worst phase to moderate phase. The 9th house rules father and fortune. This transit may give health troubles to father, especially if the time period in your father’s horoscope is not favorable. During same time, the Jupiter is also transiting to the 8th house. Any change of job would bring in lot of obstacles, so better to stick to what you are currently doing.
Gemini: The Saturn is transiting to the 8th house from your Moon sign. This transit is called Ashtama Shani. This period will bring lot of health troubles, losses and misfortunes. Please don’t make any major life decisions during next couple of years. Avoid long drivings. Health should be your number one priority in your life. The Jupiter is already in the 7th house during 2020, which is good. In 2021, the Jupiter will also be in 8th house, so please be extra cautious during 2021.
Cancer: The Saturn is transiting to the 7th house from your Moon sign. Generally this is not considered to be auspicious. There are chances for misunderstanding and disputes with your spouse. Better to avoid travels for the next couple of years. The Jupiter is also transiting to the 6th house, you may incur hospital expenses during 2020/2021, so please get your health insurance renewed. The Jupiter aspecting 10th house may fortify long waiting promotions.
Leo: The Saturn is transiting to the 6th house from your Moon sign. This transit will give auspicious events in your life. You will see lot of positive changes in your life. There may be minor health troubles but the Jupiter in 5th house aspecting your Moon sign will give quick relief. The Jupiter will aspect the 9th house, the house of fortune. So buying a property, starting new ventures are recommended during this transit period. Overall both Jupiter and Saturn transit are highly favorable for you during 2020.
Virgo: The Saturn is transiting to the 5th house from your Moon sign. This transit will give mixed results to you. Career changes will be challenging, better stick to the current role. There are chances for conflicts or misunderstanding with children so better don’t involve in any arguments. Since 5th house rules fortune, there will be impediments in new ventures. So better to postpone major decisions for the next couple of years. The Jupiter is currently in 4th house from your moon sign, so it is good time to invest in properties and to buy a new conveyance.
Libra: The Saturn is transiting to the 4th house from your Moon sign. Generally this is not considered to be auspicious. Working people please stick to job, business people are not recommended to do any expansion now. Better to focus on improving skills during this down time. There will issues with domestic life, avoid driving long distance. There are chances for health troubles to mother. Don’t buy or sell properties for the next couple of years. The Jupiter in the 3rd house from your Moon sign is also not favorable. Don’t take any major decisions in your life and do best in your daily work. Please sit tight in 2020.
Scorpio: The Saturn is transiting to the 3rd house from your Moon sign. You are just relieved from 7.5 years of Saturn transit. The Saturn in 3rd house will bring lot of auspicious events in your life. You will get recognition from your superiors and long waiting promotions will fructify. The relationship with brothers will improve. At the same time Jupiter is in 2nd house, the Jupiter being the lord of 2nd house and Dhana karaka this transit is going to bring you financial prosperity. The business deals will get close soon and the cash flow will steadily improve. Auspicious events in the family will take place and overall happiness in your life will increase. New investments and business expansions are recommended in 2020.
Sagittarius: The Saturn is transiting to 2nd house from your Moon sign. This transit will unavoidable expenses. This transit may slowdown your business, better to play safe for the next couple of years and don’t go for any expansion. Career or role change will be challenging. Don’t invest money in speculations and don’t lend money to unknown sources. The Jupiter is in own moon sign, which is also not much supportive. Be supportive to your partners, and don’t take any major decisions during this period.
Capricorn: The Saturn is transiting to your own Moon sign. Generally this is not considered to be auspicious. There will be constant health troubles. There are chances for misunderstanding with spouse. The Jupiter is also in 12th house, so please postpone the decision of big investments and business expansion. There are chances for medical expenses, so please get your health insurance renewed. There are also chances for relocation and transfer.
Aquarius: The Jupiter is transiting to the 12th house from your Moon sign. This transit is not favorable to you. There will unnecessary expenses now and then. There are also chances for hospital and medical expenses. Don’t buy anything that are not immediately useful. The Jupiter in 11th house is supportive. So overall 2020 will be moderate but 2021/2022 will be stressful.
Pisces: The Saturn is transiting to the 11th house from your Moon sign. This transit will bring auspicious events in your life. You will get recognition from your superiors and long waiting promotions will fructify. The relationship with elder brothers will improve. The Jupiter is in 10th house from your Moon sign which is also moderately good. This transit will give good business profits, and progressive the cash flow. Investments on properties will be good during this time.
Since Saturn is transiting to its own house, this Saturn transit will be overall moderate for everyone. The people born with Moon sign Scorpio, Leo, Pisces will do very well in the next couple of years. Feel free to post your doubts
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