For any country, the law and justice are very important for its economic, political and social growth. Without justice and peace, the growth of any country will always be a great illusion. Justice is the truth in action, and people in the judicial department are authoritative of bringing the truth to the light and provide justice to all the people. Let us see the astrological combination for success in judicial career.
Key houses and planet for Judicial career
- The 6th house Rules Courts, and the 9th house rules judges and magistrates.
- The sign Libra is the sign of balance and Sagittarius rules judges and magistrates.
- The strong 6th house and 8th house are important for working in the government.
- The relationship between 9th lord and 10th lord would indicate a law and dharma.
- The Jupiter rules judges and magistrates, the Saturn and Mars are the dealers of Law.
- The Mercury rules, intelligence and communication, which is also a key requirement for lawyers and judges
- The relationship between Jupiter and Saturn is very special for a success in judicial career.
Horoscope of Dr. B.R Ambedkar

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer. He was the first minister of law and justice after India’s independence. He has given a major contribution in framing the Indian constitutional law and he received Bharat Ratna, which is the highest civilian award of Republic of India.
Here is the birth details of Ambedkar and his horoscope: Birth details : Born on 14th April 1891, 05.26 AM(LMT) Lat : 22 41’ North, Long : 75 54’ East, GMT + 05.30

The Ascendent is pisces. the ascendent lord Jupiter who is the ruler of Justice occupies 12th house with Venus(the rule of sign Libra). The 6th lord Sun is exalted in the 2nd house with the planet of intelligence Mercury. The 6th house occupied by Saturn who is the dealer of Law powerfully aspected by Mars who is the another dealer of Law.
From Chandra Lagna the administrative planet Sun exalted in 11th house with the Planet of Intelligence, Mercury is a noted combination for his high intelligence. Mark The position of Jupiter, Saturn and Mars in Squares, ie; Jupiter and Saturn are in mutual aspect and the Mars and Saturn are also in mutual aspect. So, all these are excellent combination for success in judicial career. In 1947 during Mercury Mahadasha Venus Bukti, he became the first minister of law and justice. In 1949, during Mercury mahadasha Sun bukti his constitutional law is adopted in India.
Horoscope of Ram Jethmalani

Ram Jethmalani is the noted Indian lawyer and politician. He has served as Indian Union minister of law and justice. He was recognized with Human Rights Award by World Peace through a law in 1977.
Here is the birth details of Ram Jethmalani and his horoscope: Birth details : Born on 14th Sept 1923, 04.12 PM(LMT) Lat : 17 18’ North, Long : 78 30’ East, GMT + 05.30

The ascendant is Capricorn, the ascendant lord Saturn occupies the 9th house, the house of judicial department with exalted 6th and 9th lord Mercury(the planet of intelligence). The 10th house itself is the sign Libra, the sign of balance occupied by judicial planet Jupiter and Moon.
From Chandra Lagna, the 10th lord moon and 6th lord Jupiter are in Conjunction. Mark the position of four planets in eleventh house from the Chandra Lagna. the administrative planet Sun, the dealer of law Mars, the ruler of Libra Venus and Rahu. This is a key combination for his success in the judicial career. Ram Jethmalani become the minister of law and justice for too short period of time, first in 1996 during Venus Mahadasha, Rahu bukti. He was recognized with World Peace Award by Human Rights in 1977 during Mercury mahadasha, Saturn bukti.
Horoscope of William J. Brennan Jr

William is an American lawyer and jurist, he was the seventh longest serving justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. He also served as Colonel United States Army for a short period of time. He was lauded as the most influential justice of 20th century of USA.
Here is the birth details of William J.Brennan Jr and his horoscope: Birth details : Born on 25th April 1932, 01.00 PM(LMT) Lat : 40 44’ North, Long : 74 10’ West, GMT – 05.00

The ascendant is Leo, the ascendant lord Sun exalted in the 9th house, the house of judicial department with the planet Venus, the ruler of the sign Libra. There is parivartana between 9th lord Mars and the 10th lord Venus ie; The 9th lord Mars occupies the 10th house and the 10th lord Venus occupies 9th house. This is an ideal combination for career in law and justice. Mark the position of 10th house occupied by three important planets, the exalted Moon, Jupiter(the planet of Justice) and Mars(the dealer of law).
From Chandra Lagna, the 9th lord Saturn occupies the 10th house. So, in this horoscope the exalted sun in the 9th house(the house of Dharma) with the ruler of Libra Venus and 10th house occupies by judicial planet Jupiter, exalted Moon and dealer of law Mars and Parivarthana between 9th lord and 10th lord are the key planets for success in the judicial career.
In 1956, during Jupiter Mahadasha, Mars bukti William J. Brennan became the associate justice of Supreme Court in USA and he continued in this role during the entire Jupiter mahadasha and Saturn mahadasha.
Horoscope of Antonin Scalia

Antonin Scalia was an American lawyer, jurist and government official. He was the associate justice of Supreme Court, United States from 1986 to 2016. He’s one of the most important and influential justice of Supreme Court USA. Antonin Scalia, law school at George Mason University was named in his honor.
Here is the birth details of Antonin Scalia and his horoscope: Birth details : Born on 11th March 1936, 08.55 PM(LMT) Lat : 40 13’ North, Long : 74 44’ West, GMT – 05.00

The ascendant and the Moon sign both are Libra. the sign of balance. The ascendant lord Venus occupies 5th house with administrative planets Sun, the planet of intelligence Mercury, and the dealer of law Saturn and this entire combination aspects the 11th house. The 10th lord Moon occupies Libra, the sign of balance. The 9th house is powerfully aspected by judicial planet Jupiter and the dealer of law Mars.
In 1986, during Mercury mahadasha Ketu bukti Antonin become the associate justice of Supreme Court USA and he continued in this position during entire Mercury mahadasha, Ketu Mahadasha, and Venus mahadasha.
Summary – Astrological combination for success in Judicial career
- The 9th house rules judges and magistrates, and the 6th house rules courts.
- The sign Libra is the sign of balance and the Sagittarius rules judges and magistrates.
- The strong 6th house and 8th house are important for working in the government.
- The relationship between the 9th lord and 10th lord would indicate maintaining law and dharma
- The planet Jupiter rules judges and magistrates. Saturn and Mars are the dealers of Law
- The mercury is the planet of intelligence and communication
- The relationship between Jupiter and Saturn is very special for success in judicial career
Additional Notes
These article is the abstract of my upcoming book Titled “Astrological Study of Modern Careers”. This book will have astrological analysis of 50+ career with 120+ example horoscope. If you would like to get this book at the early bird offer then fill this form
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